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The Full Story


Tylynn Mackenzie is a multifaceted healer- a reiki master, an astrologer, a massage therapist, an akashic records reader, a tarot reader, a past life regressionist, a yomassage teacher and a modern day vision singer practicing shamanic techniques. 

She began her spiritual healing journey in 2015, after leaving a toxic and physically abusive relationship. She kept receiving messages through divine synchronicities that massage therapy was the direction to go in. Being in the realms of therapeutic touch definitely did assist in healing trauma stored in her body but what she didn’t realize is that massage would be the catalyst for her spiritual awakening! While working through healing in the body, she started to crave deeper levels of healing for not only the physical body but for the emotional body, the energetic body, the spiritual body, and the SOUL!

Tylynn graduated top of her class from Riverland Community College in May of 2016. Her training was focused on swedish massage techniques with deep tissue and trigger point release. Her style is to utilize slow, relaxation techniques so the muscles melt into the deeper work. One of her greatest joys is to bring people into a hypnotic trance to let all their worries go. She loves holding the container for people to breathe and be present in their bodies! Tylynn is also t
rained in gua sha, hot stones, dry brushing, vacuum cupping, prenatal massage, yomassage and reflexology. Tylynn loves to give 110 min full-body sessions or 50 min target sessions to maximize the healing experience.


Since graduating, her healing journey has led her to practicing yoga, working with aromatherapy, studying astrology, reiki, tarot, the akashic records, past life regression, yomassage and shamanism. Her massage therapy practice truly opened up so many doors to a wide variety of modalities. Tylynn learned that she has spent many lifetimes in healing fields and this lifetime is simply a continuation of those same soul themes. She will forever be a student and a practitioner of the healing arts.

As an Aries sun, she has been on a journey of self-awareness, rebuilding trust with her own soul. She could have kept this journey private, but her Pisces rising and Sagittarius moon/north node conjunct the MC has encouraged her into offering this same experience to others. Now, she is so passionate about deepening her connection with her own soul and offering that same experience to others! The more humanity has awareness of our DIVINITY, of our soul purpose, of our karmic imprints, of our innate gifts, the more our world heals. Tylynn views reality as a beautiful tapestry. Each soul on the tapestry is a uniquely colored thread. This tapestry is not stagnant. It is a moving picture so therefore, sometimes we touch threads with others for a short time and then part ways. Yet, there are some threads we are woven into for many lifetimes. The more we can connect to the purpose of our individual thread, the more positivity impacts the collective! We all have a divine purpose and a role to play.

Tylynn is here on Planet Earth to provide her healing medicine for all the souls who need it. She is also here to hold up mirrors for her fellow humans to fully witness how MAGICAL and how POWERFUL they truly are. She is passionate about working with people who are seeking relaxation/pain relief, spiritual guidance, and a deeper understanding of their soul.

Please understand Tylynn is not a doctor. All of her esoteric sessions are meant to be viewed as entertainment only.


Tylynn Mackenzie is on a mission to experience radiance in her body, mind, and soul while helping her fellow humans shine at their fullest capacity as well through a variety of modalities. 



The more awareness humanity has of our divinity, our soul purpose, our karmic imprints, and our innate gifts, the more our world heals. A Temple Radiance Treatment is the luxury healing experience your body, mind, and soul deserves! 

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